I hope everyone reflecting on 2021 finds some jewels among the continuing challenges. Our lives continue to challenge our fellow creatures, in particular the birds. This refuge of Bosque del Apache does provide a wintering home for many birds beyond the cranes and snow geese who are the showstoppers. Here’s a few of the others spotted.
Gambel’s Quail
This was one fellow I definitely wanted to meet on my visit to Bosque. They did not disappoint in their charismatic scurrying along the ground. What did surprise me was their delightful noises of clucking, chuckling and calling out to each other. The strangest sound was like water drops falling through the desert brush they were in.
Brewer’s Sparrow
Another to add to my life list were these Brewer’s sparrows that buzzed and sang along many trails at the refuge.
Lesser Goldfinch
These little cousins to the American Goldfinch played around a feeder quite a bit, but this fellow found a nice branch to pose on while pausing between feedings.
Along with the Gambel’s quail, this was the bird I was most hoping to see. The Pyrrhuloxia is the desert version of the Cardinal. Mostly in Mexico and south Texas, New Mexico is the northern area of their range, and I was lucky to spot a couple and this lady posed nicely on a cactus.
The geese weren’t the only ones flying around in large flocks. Murmuration’s of blackbirds would swoop through the marshes and fields as well.
Northern Pintail
The lady in the background seemed a bit impressed as this male Northern Pintail showed off some of his elegant plumage.
Cooper’s Hawk
Plenty of birds of prey patrolled the skies. Northern Harriers teased me throughout my visit, seeming to choose to fly near me as I was driving, and then fly off as soon as I stopped my car, so I got a lot of images of harrier tail feathers. I really wanted to get a picture of a Golden Eagle. I finally saw one just a few feet away eating a deer. Unfortunately, the deer was roadkill and I was going about 75 mph. This Cooper’s hawk perched nearby with a nice view and I kept encouraging him to seek some prey so I could get some flight shots, but his patience in the tree outlasted mine on the ground.
Bald Eagles
Several bald eagles kept watch around Bosque. I don’t know if they were just easier to spot on these snags or they really preferred them, but there was nearly always at least one to found on these large dead trees in the middle of marshes.
Pelican, cranes and ducks
As I was ready to leave Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, I drove by this pond hoping to enjoy the last of the low morning light on some cranes or geese. I noticed this cluster of white birds on the north end of the pond. As I drove closer I was surprised they were not snow geese but a cluster of white pelicans. Growing up in Florida I’d watch white pelican fish forming a large circle in the water and then slowly contracting the circle and concentrating the fish. They’d fill their pouches with fish. I’m still surprised when I see pelicans with mountains in the background. This was a fitting scene to leave imprinted on my memory as I left Bosque. Hoping the new year brings you many scenes of peace and life, and may 2022 be a good year for the birds as well.